Taking flight by being still


I saw a clip of a man, dreaming he could fly. 

He soared quickly through the fields, and up through the sky. I saw how quickly everything around him, went by. 

And I realized a realization, I could never quite describe.  

I do not wish to fly, It is not a dream of mine. 

And hiking, not my passion,  An unpopular view to fashion.


These are not, 

What I want to experience first. 

These are not challenges, 

that I see as adventures to search. 

I rather wish, 

I could sit with myself, 

With my thoughts, 

In the present moment, 

To absorb the presence around me, 

Without being elsewhere, 

In my head. 

An accomplished feat to me, 

Is grasping what’s immediately in front of me. 

Why do we try so hard to seek, 

So much beyond the gift of what is miraculously, 

In view. 

It takes a lot to process that in front of us; 

But without much thought, 

We dream immediately, 

Of seeing something else; 

Seeing something more. 

While others may dream to fly and hike, 

I dream to fully breathe, 

The air from the leaves of my plants, 

Take my eyes to the horizon, 

From the view of my apartment; 

Smell nature, 

From the food that nourishes me. 

Don’t get me wrong, 

I’m not here to be abrupt. 

Flying and hiking are wonderful, yes, 

But I won’t dream of them, 

Until I absorb the complexity of the life,  

That is right before me. 

You have the right to change your mind, 

At any moment.