Repelled by fitness ads?


It's primarily why I started the Facebook group

"Team SMASH Health and Wellness Club".

The current fitness industry is designed for people who are able to incorporate exercise into their day to day life. It works for some, but for others a different approach is needed (ie. for those who to try...then stop...only to try again and stop again, like me).

Answer me this:  Who can help you get "fit"? 


Fitness professionals. Yes, these people are very good at what they do.  And yes, each one will tell you over and over again, in their own way, through their own programs:

  1. You need a routine

  2. You need to exercise

  3. You need healthy eating habits

  4. We can help you do that

This is all true.  But it's not that easy. 

If it were that easy, everyone would do it.  There is something missing for a large population..the appropriate level of fitness and wellness is still inaccessible to many.  The list for why it doesn't work can go on and on: socioeconomical factors, super complicated schedules, relationship issues, constantly changing lives and environments etc!

Most fitness professionals will look perplexed if you try to explain that their method doesn't fit in your life.  Fitness professionals may express that a level of accountability falls on you, the individual wishing to get fit. You can walk a horse to water, but you can't make them drink, right? 

Again, this is not wrong. The accountability does fall on you but there is a step that involves priming the client for fitness that is often skipped.  I don't see programs that teach people HOW to take accountability for their wellness.

We have come very far with access to health and fitness through technology and communities.  That said, if not properly personalized, the fitness industry will continue to perpetuate body image issues, eating disorders, and lowered self confidence.

Many are shy to express that they need a different approach so they say nothing at all. 

Evil self talk, amplified by unhelpful fitness ads, tends to whisper distasteful ideas about our self worth like..."if I can't figure out how to incorporate proven fitness programs into my life...then this must be my own fault...", "fitness just isn't for me", "I can't move like that"...and on and on those voices go.

It's already hard enough to get ourselves to do the program, let alone keep ourselves accountable.  So what do we do instead? Stay quiet and stay inactive. 

We need programs that prioritize the psychology of health and wellness so that we can better understand how appropriate levels of activity can fit into our individual lives.  This is where a coach who understands mindset can really help. 

I should clarify that this post is not directed at people who have fitness perfectly weaved into their lives. So, if you're feeling defensive, this is not directed at you :).

This is for people who think.. "I need to exercise, but I'm not sure where to begin" or "I need to exercise but my body is not ready to jump in."  It's really a shame that many people quit before they even begin because of injury, because of schedule issues or simply because the fitness industry doesn't offer solutions that fit for them.

Team SMASH is designed for people who need a different approach to incorporating fitness into their lives. An approach that's driven by reality and step by step lessons on mindset shifts. This group will help shape your mind so that you can bring the right level of fitness into your life and ensure that it works for you. So join Team SMASH, and let's SMASH preconceived ideas of what it takes to get fit, together.

Coach Sam