Overcoming workplace anxiety


Everything here is dedicated to personal growth.

A huge barrier to personal growth is Anxiety.  Anxiety has a terrible way of keeping us shackled in catastrophic thoughts and fears.  

Many many many people suffer from anxiety...most people do so silently.  Most people don't believe there is a solution...so they suffer silently.  


Anxiety can seep into all aspects of life...especially work.  This is incredibly frustrating because at some point, we choose our career so that we have access to the resources needed to live a satisfying life!   One that is fulfilling and allows us to build with family and friends! 

But yet, if you've become anxious at work, you likely feel stuck, unhappy, and in most cases, suffer silently because solutions just don't seem available or possible.  

Maybe you have found yourself reading articles with "simple" advice like "exercise" "choose healthy habits" "cut out caffeine"....I recommend not doing this...because  these articles will likely solidify your belief that solutions are not available...

I'm here to tell you that there is a solutions.

But it's not a quick fix and yes, it requires work and effort. The solution I have is only available to people who are truly and absolutely DONE with their anxiety and are ready to break free from the shackles of it.  If you're looking for a quick bandaid solution, this is not for you.

I'm here to help you overcome your workplace anxiety so you can reconnect to your self worth, thrive at your job and have more energy for family and friends.

So if you find yourself...

  • Feeling nervous, tense and shaky even when you're trying to be calm on the outside...

  • Experiencing a racing pulse the minute you tdhink about work...

  • Waking up to your mind racing about all the things that could go wrong in your day...

  • Having a gut-wrenching queasy feeling in your stomach before you start a work meeting...

  • Feeling like you have a lot to contribute to your team but you just can't because you're working you'll have a panic attack...

  • Feeling worried that you'll freeze when someone asks you a question even though you have the answer...

  • Feeling like you can't focus and tasks pile up because your mind is constantly bombarding you with dreadful thoughts and fears...

  • Feeling like you have an elephant on your check and you just can't breathe...

  • Constantly worried that you're a failure or not good enough...

Then I encourage you to reach out or check out my free webinar at: https://www.anxietysolutionswebinar.com/r/a

I have created a step-by-step program to eliminate your anxiety, reconnect to your joy and remain calm and focused even in high pressure work situations.  I will walk you through these steps and from there you can book a free consultation to see if we're a good fit for each other!  

Your show up, and i'll have the resources.  I can't make you show up and you can't be expected to have the resources.  So if you do your part by showing up, I will do my part and provide you with what you need to overcome your anxiety. 

You deserve this because there is so much more for us to experience in this world than this silent stressor that's been holding you back.

From my couch to yours,

Coach Sam