Anxiety: The What, Why and How


Anxiety: The What, Why, and How

We've all felt it at one point or another. That anxious feeling in the pit of our stomachs, the racing heart, the cold sweat.

But what is anxiety? And why does it have such a hold on us? Let’s exploring the definition of anxiety, what causes it, and some tips for managing it.


What is anxiety?

Anxiety is our body's natural response to stress. It's a feeling of fear or apprehension about what's to come. When we perceive a threat, our bodies go into "fight-or-flight" mode, releasing a surge of adrenaline and cortisol. This gives us the energy and focus we need to either confront the threat or get away from it.

In small doses, anxiety can be helpful. It can make us more alert and motivated to get things done. But when it's constant or overwhelming, it can interfere with our daily lives. That's when we need to find ways to manage it.

What causes anxiety?

There are many things that can trigger anxiety, including stress, genetics, and certain medical conditions. But sometimes, the cause of our anxiety is unknown.

How can we manage anxiety?

There are a number of ways to manage anxiety. These include:

-Exercise: Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and promote overall physical and mental health. It can also help to clear your mind and give you a break from anxious thoughts.

-Relaxation techniques: There are several relaxation techniques that can be effective in managing anxiety, such as deep breathing, mindfulness meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation.

-Counseling, coaching or therapy: Talking to a counselor, coach or therapist can help you understand and manage your anxiety. They can also teach you coping and problem-solving skills.

What's important to recognize about anxiety is that it's unique to each individual. A coach can help you gain the skills you need to overcome anxiety in a way that fits your life. While strategies and techniques are very helpful, it's critical to learn how to coach ourselves in real time, so that anxiety can managed when it shows up, rather than letting it escalade in infiltrate other areas of your life

Anxiety is a normal and natural response to stress. It becomes problematic when it's constant or overwhelming. There are many different things that can cause anxiety, and not all of them are obvious. If you're struggling with anxiety, know that you're not alone.

While anxiety can be a difficult thing to deal with, there are ways to manage it and even resolve it. If you're feeling overwhelmed by anxiety, send us an e mail at We can help you find the tools and resources you need to get through this tough time.

From my couch to yours,

Coach Sam