

If open to it, we all benefit from a little coaching;

whether it’s from family members, trusted friends, or professionals. We are social beings that naturally fall in conversation and often find ourselves, one way or another, providing guidance or being guided.

It’s a natural part of our interactions. Sometimes it’s unsolicited and doesn’t always turn out the way we want, and other times it’s exactly what we need.


What distinguishes the two? Is it the quality of the advice? Our willingness to be open? Or perhaps how the mind digests it? I think it’s the latter of these three.

I am not a professional life coach. I’m a neurobiologist turned clinical scientist.  My path in life has not been linear by any means. The term “coach” resonates with me because I have sought coaching from family, friends, and professionals along the way. I play on a volleyball team where I’m called “coach”, not because of any exceptional skills or techniques, but because of my initiative to set up practices that are aimed at learning from each other (none of us are professional players but we certainly have improved). And this is my goal for this space. A blog where I share real world experiences, hurdles and successes and focus on the power of our thoughts in navigating our daily lives.

I look forward to going on this journey with you!
Your evening coach,