Challenge the quick fix


"Once you see THIS, it will ALL make sense"

"Once you hear THIS, it will ALL make sense"


Have you ever heard that line? Perhaps in an advertisement, a sales-pitch, or a casual conversation (albeit, probably a defensive one - eek).

It's really important that we extract the message behind those words.  A message that practically translates to "I'm going to convince you, regardless of what you think or know".  Not as charming when it's presented that way though, hey?

I heard this line recently and it struck me that we don't question the meaning behind it.  In fact, we are likely going to agree with whatever comes next because of the confidence that that simple preface statement exudes.  Otherwise, wouldn't the line be presented as "Once you see this, you will have more information to decide for yourself if xyz makes sense"?  

We are living in a time where information is abundant and easily accessible.  Right...but it's also incredibly overwhelming to navigate.  I've been in research for over 10 years and I will openly admit that it's getting more and more challenging to find reliable summarized data sources for the lay man (unless you're using PubMed instead of Google but that's not exactly the topic I'm covering here). 

Yes, I say summarized data sources because let's face it, we all want to know what we want to know in under 5 mins.   Which is why it's so dangerous when someone comes along and says they have the answer.  Not only might they not have the answer but they are already so confident to believe that YOU WILL leave behind prior knowledge, won't bother with future knowledge and will take what they offer as the final answer....all because of our growing addiction for the "quick fix".

Yes, yes, this is all sales 101.  Sales pitches are everywhere, whether obvious or subliminal.  Whether from Ads or from regular ol' folks around us.  We crave and accept them because we think quick fixes and zero-effort solutions are guaranteed to give us the most efficient path forward.  

But isn't the process so much sweeter when you're fully engaged in the solution? Isn't that where the growth actually happens?  Isn't it worth asking yourself what the purpose of having the answer is, if you're not going to apply what you've learned along the way? I challenge you to question when others tell you "this is how it is"  and "this will make it all make sense".  I challenge you to work with those folks instead to gather the information you need to build your own understanding.  These steps will provide the resources to decide for yourself if "it all makes sense".

Let's not just take the information that's dangled in front of us just so we can get on with our lives.  Let's digest that information and let's make some neural connections around it.  Slowing down to understanding 2 or 3 pieces of new information will get you so much farther than eating the 200 new messages that the Ad world stuffs in your faces daily.  It will take longer, but it's an exercise that your brain will thank you for.

Here's to a healthy neuro-digestive system.

Your Evening Coach